We offer comprehensive migration advice and services combined with a determined and strategic approach.
Migration law with a holistic focus
Our multilingual lawyers have not only the skills required to prepare and submit visa applications, but also the technical ability to understand the commercial concepts and references that permeate throughout many visa classes – particularly business visas and skilled visas.
The firm’s core areas of practice include corporate and commercial law, and we have a deep understanding of how various commercial concepts should be applied with proficiency in the migration context.
We see migration law in the broader context, regularly assisting business people and entrepreneurs with business migration into Australia and then continuing to assist with corporate and commercial services once they are established here in Australia.
Our migration know-how is also called upon when we are helping to facilitate the establishment of a business presence in Australia. Often, these overseas businesses require existing expertise from an overseas head office to be present in Australia to commence operations, and we assist with advising on visa options to allow senior executives and management to work in Australia during this period.
We’re Ready To Help
We can assist with:
business innovation and investment visas (subclass 188 and subclass 888)
skilled migration (including temporary skill shortage visa subclass 482, employer nomination scheme visa subclass 186, regional sponsored migration scheme visa subclass 187 and skilled independent visa subclass 189)
personal, family and partner migration
visa cancellations
visa appeals
administrative reviews
“My company Leshan Lantian operates one of the largest cosmetic retail chains in China. As a business owner, I decided to come to Australia to expand my business footprint. With a deep understanding of our history and vision, the team at Evolve Lawyers assisted us to achieve that aim. Their knowledge in both migration and commercial law disciplines combine to seamlessly give the advice I need. They genuinely care about our business and was instrumental in assisting our business to establish and grow in Australia.”
Zhou SHEN, Founder and CEO Leshan Lantian
“As the one of the world's leading manufacturers and innovators in sensor technology and explosion protection equipment, our business in Australia relies on having ready access to the world's talent pool to drive product innovation, best practice and growth in Australia. Evolve Lawyers have worked closely with us over many years to ensure that we have ready access to the personnel we need. Their attention to individual circumstances and commitment to ensuring our objectives are met, allows us to operate our business with total confidence with the right people.”
Paul Bruno, Managing Director, Pepperl+Fuchs, Australia
Ready to work with us?
We work with both individual and business clients, and members of our team speak multiple languages.
Many of our lawyers trained in large and well-known Australian law firms. Our firm has the skill base to handle large and complex matters – all while delivering services with efficiency, accuracy and genuine care.